Auditory Biophysics Research


Ugarteburu M, Withnell RH, Cardoso L, Carriero A, Richter CP. (2022) "Middle ear mechanics: A review" Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Oct 10;10:983510. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.983510. ECollection 2022. PMID: 36299283

Brister EY, Withnell RH, Shevchenko P, Richter CP. (2021) "Are suspensory ligaments important for middle ear reconstruction?" PLoS One. Aug 24;16(8):e0255821. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255821. eCollection 2021. PMID: 34428235

Mills, M.L., Shen, Y., Withnell, R.H. (2021) "Examining the factors that contribute to non-monotonic growth of the 2f1-f2 otoacoustic emission in humans". Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. Jun;22(3):275-288. doi: 10.1007/s10162-021-00788-1. Epub 2021 Apr 12. PMID: 33844104

Fields, T.N., Schnetzer, L., Brister, E.Y., Yates, C.W., Withnell, R.H. (2018) "An assessment of a conical-horn waveguide to represent the human eardrum". Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51, 185401.

Ohlemiller, K.K., Warchol, M.E., Kaur, T., Withnell, R.H. (2018) "The Endocochlear Potential as an Indicator of Reticular Lamina Integrity after Noise Exposure in Mice", Hearing Research, 361:138-151.

Ueberfuhr, M.A., Fehlberg, H., Goodman, S.S., Withnell, R.H. (2016) "A DPOAE assessment of outer hair cell integrity in ears with age-related hearing loss", Hearing Research, 332:137-150.

Withnell, R.H., Fields, T.N. (2015) "Zwislocki's model of the middle ear revisited" In Mechanics of Hearing: Protein to Perception, Karavitaki KD, Corey DP (eds). American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, pp. 060012-1 to 060012-5.

Withnell, R.H., Jeng, P.S., Parent, P., Levitt, H. (2014) "The clinical utility of expressing hearing thresholds in terms of the forward-going sound pressure wave" International Journal of Audiology, 53(8), 522-530.

Withnell, R.H., Gowdy, L.E. (2013) "An analysis of the acoustic input impedance of the ear" Journal of the Assoc. Res Otolaryngol. 14, 611-622.

Gowdy, L.E., Withnell, R.H. (2011) "Modeling ear canal acoustics, incorporating visco-thermal effects and the influence of the middle ear". Progress in Auditory Biomechanics, pp. 545-551.

Withnell, R.H., Jeng, P.S., Shofner, W.P., Allen, J.B. (2010) "In-situ calibrated sounds and hearing sensitivity". Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol 9(1), 10 pages.

Withnell, R.H., Jeng, P.S, Waldvogel, K., Morgenstein, K., Allen, J.B. (2009) "An in-situ calibration for hearing thresholds". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125, 1605-1611.

Withnell, R.H., Jeng, P.S., Parent, P., Allen, J.B. (2009) "Using wideband reflectance to measure the impedance of the middle ear", Hearing Journal, 62, 36­-39.

Withnell, R.H., Hazlewood, C., Knowlton, A. (2008) "Reconciling the origin of the TEOAE in humans". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123: 212-221.

Withnell, R.H. and Lodde, J. (2006) In search of basal distortion product generators. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120: 2116-2123.

Withnell, R.H.(2006) "Measuring cochlear delays using otoacoustic emissions", Auditory Mechanisms: Processes and Models. World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 322-331.

Withnell, R.H. and McKinley, S. (2005) Delay-dependence for the origin of the nonlinear derived transient evoked otoacoustic emission. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117:281-291.

Withnell, R.H., Dhar, S., and Thompsen, A. (2005) A comparison of OAEs arising from different generation mechanisms in guinea pig. Hearing Research, 207:76-86.

Goodman, S.S., Withnell, R.H., De Boer, E., Lilly, D.J. and Nuttall, A. L. (2004) Cochlear delays measured with amplitude-modulated tone-burst evoked OAEs. Hearing Research, 188: 57-69.

Goodman, S.S., Withnell, R.H. and Shera, C.A. (2003) The origin of SFOAE microstructure in the guinea pig. Hearing Research, 183: 7-17.

Withnell, R.H., Shaffer, L.A., and Talmadge, C.L. (2003) Generation of DPOAEs in the guinea pig. Hearing Research, 178: 106-117.

Withnell, R.H., Dhar, S., Talmadge, C.L., Shaffer, L.A., De Boer, E., Roberts, R., & McPherson, D.(2003) “Temporal characteristics of otoacoustic emissions”, Biophysics of the Cochlea: From Molecule to Model. World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 472-479.

Shaffer, L.A., Withnell, R.H., Dhar, S., Lilly, D.J., Goodman, S.S. and Harmon, K.M. (2003) Sources and mechanisms of DPOAE generation: Implications for the prediction of auditory sensitivity. Ear and Hearing, 24: 367-379.

Withnell, R.H., Shaffer, L.A. and Lilly, D.J. (2002) What drives mechanical amplification in the mammalian cochlea? Ear and Hearing, 23:49-57.

Withnell, R.H. (2001) Brief report: the cochlear microphonic as an indication of outer hair cell function Ear and Hearing, 22: 75-77.

Withnell, R.H., Yates, G.K. and Kirk, D.L. (2000) Changes to low-frequency components of the TEOAE following acoustic trauma to the base of the cochlea. Hearing Research, 139: 1-12.

Yates, G.K. and Withnell, R.H. (1999) Reply to "Comment on 'Enhancement of the transient-evoked otoacoustic emission produced by the addition of a pure tone in the guinea pig;" [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 105, 919-921 (1999)]. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105(2):922-924.

Yates, G.K. and Withnell, R.H. (1999) The role of intermodulation distortion in transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions Hearing Research 136:49-64.

Withnell, R.H. and Yates, G.K. (1998) Onset of the basilar membrane non-linearity reflected in cubic distortion tone input-output functions. Hearing Research 123:87-96.

Withnell, R.H. and Yates, G.K. (1998) Enhancement of the transient-evoked otoacoustic emission produced by the addition of a pure tone in the guinea pig. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 104(1):350-355.

Withnell, R.H., Kirk, D.L. and Yates, G.K. (1998) Otoacoustic emissions measured with a physically open recording system. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 104(1):344-349.

Withnell, R.H., Wilde, R. and Cryer, A. (1996) Incorporating otoacoustic emissions in the differential diagnosis of auditory dysfunction. Australian Journal of Audiology 18:49-53.

Lo, B., Murch, A., Chabros, V. and Withnell, R.H. (1996) De novo terminal deletion of chromosome 7 [46,XX,del(7)(q35). Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 32: 347-349.

Withnell, R.H. and Wilde, R. (1995) Elevated bone conduction thresholds in infants with Down syndrome. Australian Journal of Audiology 17:131-136.

Indiana University